Staying Active in Later Life

Horizon can help you stay active in later life

You’ve no doubt heard it before and you’ll no doubt hear it again – physical activity and taking part in exercise is good for you and it’s important to make it part of your daily routine. Being physically active can make a huge difference to your quality of life and there are a whole host of studies that shout about the important health benefits associated with exercise.

As we age, it becomes even more important to look after ourselves and keep active. The government guidelines recommends adults to take part in 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week.

But, how can this exercise help you?

Well, for starts it can give you more energy, meaning simple chores and tasks become easier. Do you have Grandchildren or perhaps some on the way? We all know how much energy it takes to run after the little ones. And not only does keeping active increase energy but it can help you make friends and stay socially connected. Taking part in a sport or exercise class can be a great way to meet people and have fun.

Most importantly though, exercise can improve your physical and mental health. Did you know, physical activity can lower your risk of developing many chronic health conditions, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and more? It can also reduce the risk of depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

So now we know the reasons why you should be exercising, let’s look at what sort of activities you should be doing.

Both physical activity and exercise will help you stay healthy and lead an independent lifestyle. Physical activity means adding more movement to your day. There are many activities you could take up to help you become more active, such as gardening, walking or simply taking the stairs instead of the lift.

Exercise has more structure and can involve more impact, it includes things such as water aerobics, yoga, badminton and cycling. As you get older exercise becomes increasingly important as it helps improve muscle strength, balance and flexibility.

Here at Horizon Leisure Centres we have a range of activities suitable for the older generation to help make life better.

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we hold an Over 50s Sport & Social group – you are welcome to come along take part in a variety of activities and socialise while you go.

If jumping straight into exercise seems daunting to you, then why not try out Toning Tables, perfect for those looking to break themselves in to exercise and improve their health and well being.

Whatever form of activity it may be you choose to take part in, it is clear that exercise is good for you. So, no matter what your age or health condition, add more physical movement to your life by making exercise a daily habit. It’s never too late for exercise to have a positive effect!


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