a woman lifting weights at Horizon Gyms

Health Referral

Health Referral - a man lifting weights on a bench

Horizon Leisure Centre’s Health Referral

Welcome to our Health Referral Scheme. At Horizon Leisure, we’re here to help you increase your physical activity levels and improve your overall health. Join us for our 12-week structured course of physical activity, designed to help you move a little more every day in a fun and supportive environment.

Health experts run the scheme at our Havant and Waterlooville centres in partnership with Havant Borough Council, The NHS and Macmillan Cancer Support.

How to join

If you want to join this programme, make an appointment with your health care professional or GP, who can refer you to the exercise scheme.  You can download the form the healthcare professional will need here and take it to your appointment.

The health referral can help you:

  • Lose those extra pounds
  • Build strong bones
  • Reduce high blood pressure
  • Help improve cholesterol levels
  • Balance your blood sugar levels and keep them in check
  • Expand your lung capacity, helping you to breathe easier
  • Discover a happier you
  • Kick stress and anxiety to the curb
  • Increase energy levels
  • Improve your mobility, flexibility and overall movement.

The scheme is in partnership with Havant Borough Council, the NHS and Macmillan Cancer Support.

Participants are referred to the exercise referral scheme through a health professional or GP where physical activity can help to:

Here's what you can expect:

With our Health Referral Scheme, you’ll have a dedicated exercise referral instructor by your side, guiding and supporting you throughout your journey. They’ll create a personalised activity plan tailored to your health status, preferences and lifestyle, while also providing access to discounted facilities. You can count on regular check-ins with your instructor to review and adjust your plans as needed too.

On completion of the 12 week programme, there is the opportunity for continued discounted membership at Horizon Leisure.

Health Referral Scheme Prices

There are three payment options for you to choose from:

£72 + £10

welcome assessment fee.

Includes an activity plan and unlimited use of Havant and Waterlooville gyms, pools, classes and crèche for 12 weeks (three-month membership).

Direct Debit £22 Per Month

No admin fee

Membership includes gym, public swimming, exercise classes and crèche



Pay As You Go £4.00 per visit, for gym and swimming, plus £10 welcome assessment fee.

How Do I Sign Up?

You will need to be referred by your healthcare professional or GP. You can download the referral form from the downloads section and request to be referred.

Patient Selection Criteria
  • Aged 16 years or over
  • No absolute contra-indications to exercise
  • Any of the medical conditions listed below in Medical Conditions, or any other condition that would benefit from the scheme
Medical Conditions
  • Weight Loss ≥ 25 plus at least one other risk factor

  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • High Cholesterol
  • Family History
  • Mental ill-health
  • Asthma (not exercise-induced) plus at least one other risk factor; Mental Health (mild and controlled conditions) including stress, anxiety, depression, post-natal depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

  • Arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Joint injury rehab (neck, spine, shoulder, hips, knee, ankle) following useful advice and exercises from a physiotherapist or similar therapist
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)
  • Post Phase IV Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Cancer
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Parkinson’s Disease
Absolute Contra-Indications
  • Unstable angina/heart conditions
  • Resting systolic blood pressure ≥180mmHg or resting diastolic blood pressure ≥ 100mmHg
  • A significant drop in blood pressure during exercise
  • Uncontrolled tachycardia > 100bpm
  • Severe or poorly controlled asthma/COPD
  • Conditions that may be aggravated by exercise (muscle, bone or joint conditions)
  • Uncontrolled conditions, including diabetes, asthma, epilepsy
  • Ventricular/aortic aneurysm
  • Uncontrolled arrhythmia
  • Febrile illness
How To Refer a Patient
  • Explain the Horizon Leisure Centres Health Referral Scheme to the patient
  • Decide which centre the patient would like to attend
  • Complete and sign a referral form
  • Ask the patient to sign the referral form
  • Give the patient a copy of the referral form and an information leaflet.
  • Send a copy of the referral form, marked ‘Confidential’, to the Horizon Leisure Centres Health and Wellbeing Manager.
  • The centre will then contact the patient to arrange their first appointment.
  • By referring a patient to the Horizon Leisure Centres Health Referral Scheme, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions within the Quality Guidelines Manual 2014.

What Can I Expect From The Health Referral Scheme?

  • A designed exercise referral instructor to support and advise you
  • A personal activity plan based upon your medical condition, health status, what you enjoy doing, what would you like to try and your lifestyle
  • A subsidised route into using your local leisure centre, including classes, swimming and gym facilities
  • Regular contact with your exercise instructor to review activity plans
  • An opportunity for continued membership at Horizon Leisure Centres on completion of the 12 weeks

ESCAPE-Pain Course

ESCAPE-Pain is a group rehabilitation programme for people with Osteoarthritis of the knees and/or hips, that integrates educational self-management and coping strategies with an exercise regimen individualised for each participant. It helps people to understand their condition, and teaches them a progressive exercise programme so they can learn how to cope with their pain better.

ESCAPE-Pain is for anyone aged 45-years or older with chronic joint pain caused by osteoarthritis of the knees or hips, for at least the last 3 months.

The course is twice a week for 6 weeks, and the attendees must attend both days. We alternate courses between Havant and Waterlooville Leisure Centres.

It is £50 per course, which will be paid at the start of the course.

For more information and to enquire about start dates, please email: health.referral@horizonlc.com

Enquiry Form

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Customer Testimonials

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  • To date I have attended 7 of Madeleine’s Otago classes. She plans her lessons very carefully, taking account of each participant’s physical problems and limitations. I have a bad back and a hip replacement that sub-luxes occasionally and she has suggested useful adaptations to the standard exercises. She has a very pleasant manner and explains eadi exercise very carefully at every class, never assuming that we all know what to do and regularly reminds us to breathe. She also ensures that standing and walking exercises are well-interspersed with sitting ones. Madeleine gives us homework in line with improving balance and reducing falls. But this is always in manageable chunks, focussing on a few exercises each week. Although she is only paid for a 45 minute class, she invariably spends an hour so that the class is not rushed and she takes time to really listen to each participant. I have been attending a range of exercise classes for over 40 years and Madeleine is definitely one of the best teachers I have experienced.

    - Judy C – Steady and Strong

  • I was given a gym referral by the neurogym team when my time with them ended. I was a bit dubious to start with as I’ve never got on with exercise equipment. Prior to my stroke, I enjoyed riding my bike, so I thought I’d get some practice in at the gym to start with before trying to balance and pedal out in the wild! I was also having ongoing left-side weakness and shoulder problems, so I thought the reduced cost of membership was worth the monthly fee. I was given an induction on my first visit to the Horizon leisure centre and showed how to use the equipment that would best suit my personal requirements. Going to the gym is different from physio in that you do as much or as little as is comfortable for you. You set your own goals, and you decide if you’ve done enough each visit! There’s help from the friendly staff if you need any pointers, and I always feel welcome. none of the patrons were interested in what I was doing unless I felt like engaging in conversation, so I never felt self-conscious or unwelcome. Personally, I use the exercise bikes a lot, the treadmill a little bit and the exercise machines a fair bit to work my core, upper body and legs. The machines are suitable for all ages, sizes and abilities, and I started off easy with light weights, but after completing my initial 12 week membership, I’m fitter now than I was before I went into the hospital! I never thought you’d ever get me in a gym, but I’m so glad I gave it a go. The treadmill has helped with my walking and got me up to a jogging speed, and I know I’ll get to run again soon. Using the bikes has got my stamina up and I’ve just started using the stair machine – like a treadmill but you climb stairs instead of walking a flat surface! The stairs at home took me a while to master once I left the hospital, but the gym machine has got me climbing them like a goat! I set my own goals now and see myself improving week on week. I try and go 3 times a week but haven’t yet got to use the pool which is also included in the membership. I would encourage anyone offered a referral to grab the opportunity and get yourself mobile again and get those troublesome muscles working for you again. For me it’s been about getting as close to I can as what I was before. Recovery from a brain injury can take a long time but I feel I’ve helped myself by working at it and trying to push myself to get better. You’ll not recover your physical abilities sat on the sofa. The me walking about now is so much more able and confident than the me that started going to the gym about 4 months ago. I’m sticking with it too! I can be better still! There’s further I can go, and there’s help from the staff if I need it too. It’s been strange not having physios telling me what exercises to do but I know myself where I need to improve now. I’m the master of my own ship again!

    - Stroke Referral

Horizon Waterlooville Customer Update

The swimming pool at Horizon Waterlooville will be closed this weekend, Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th February, due to a Gala taking place.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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