Make healthier choices with FLOURISH

1.1 verb (of a living organism) grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly congenial environment.
“wild plants flourish on the banks of the lake”

FLOURISH is a free service provided by Horizon and funded by Hampshire County Council intended to support women to achieve a healthy weight and promote self-motivation and self-confidence. During the programme, participants will build resilience to sustain a positive behaviour change to take them beyond the course.

What is the criteria?
Participants must be/have:
- A woman aged 18 or over
- Living in or registered to a GP Surgery in the Havant Borough
- A BMI of 30 or above or 27.5 for Black, Asian and other minority ethnic groups
- Willing to invest your time in a 12-week programme
- Attend two sessions a week at Havant or Waterlooville
- Take part in a 26-week follow-up

Let’s Make Things Happen
This is a unique programme offering help and guidance in a positive and supportive way to improve motivation, confidence and self-esteem. During this 12-week course, we will utilise group physical activity and behaviour change methods, enabling you to flourish.
Emma George MSc, Community Health & Wellbeing Manager
FLOURISH With Horizon
To be considered for a place, please fill in the form.