THRIVE Class List

Born to Move class at Horizon for those aged 5-7 as part of Thrive

Born to Move (Ages 5-7)

Focusing on fun rather than formal exercise routines, these classes are the ultimate way to introduce fundamental movement skills. During the classes children move and sing their way through the simple choreography. The moves train body awareness, as well as improve balance, coordination, and control. The classes are set to music children love and, as children of this age are primarily visual learners, the highly trained teacher demonstrates moves that they can easily copy. 


Born to Move class for those aged 8 to 11

Born to Move (Ages 8-11)

When it comes to learning a whole lot of cool moves from dance, martial arts, and yoga this class is the way to go. Each class is jam-packed with cool music and foundation fitness moves and fun games. The highly trained teachers coach the best from everyone in the class, adapting their approach to match mood and energy levels so everyone ends up feeling great. 

Born to Move class for 12-15 year olds at Horizon

Born 2 Move (Ages 12-15)

Featuring the freshest moves and the latest music, these classes get young people moving. Each class combines cutting edge moves from martial arts, sports conditioning, dance, and yoga. Participants leave feeling fitter, more mentally energized, and amped to take on the world. 

Board Games Club at Horizon Leisure as part of THRIVE

Board Games Club

Board Games Club is a regular tabletop games session held at The Hangout. Bring your board games and join us! Whether you are a fan of classic games like Snakes and Ladders or enjoy playing cards, we have something to entertain everyone. 

Boccia at Horizon as part of THRIVE

Boccia Club

Boccia may seem like a gentle game, but it requires precision and sharp tactics. The objective of the game is to roll a ball closer to the target than your opponent. However, when the target can be moved or blocked, things can get interesting! The most important aspects of this sport are focus, accuracy, and strategy, which means that you can plan ahead and ‘think’ your way to victory. Additionally, Boccia is an excellent game for improving coordination, as you will need a steady hand to score points. 

Bricks Club at Horizon Leisure as part of THRIVE

Bricks Club

The THRIVE Bricks Club aims to provide a combination of education and entertainment through a hands-on approach to playful learning. We offer a series of structured thematic sessions that run over several weeks. We use technology to support games, creativity, and fun at the core of our program. 

Cheerleading club at Horizon as part of THRIVE

Cheerleading Club

Our Thrive Cheerleading Club is open to students aged 8 and above. For those who are new to cheerleading, the main focus is to have fun while learning the basic skills which include dance, tumbling, stunting, pyramids, and jumps. Our goal is to coach the skills, teach them a routine, and allow them to perform later in the year. 

THRIVE - Kids playing Dodgeball


Dodgeball is becoming increasingly popular week by week. The rules of the game are simple – catch, aim, throw, dodge – which makes it inclusive to children of all ages. Dodgeball is a team sport that promotes cooperation and teamwork among children. It helps build friendships, enhances communication skills, and boosts confidence, which can have a positive impact on other areas of a child’s life. 

Family Circuits Class as part of THRIVE at Horizon

Family Circuits Class

Looking for a fun and engaging exercise class that caters to all abilities? This class is perfect for children aged 8 and above and their parents or carers. It is designed to improve cardiovascular fitness, overall strength, and motor skills. It’s a great opportunity for families to work out together and get fit as a team! 

Fundamental movement club at Horizon Leisure

FUNdamental Multi Skills

FUNdamental mulit skills are the basic building blocks for the skills we use in sports and other physical activities. For younger children, it is an excellent program that introduces them to skills like running, jumping, and throwing in a fun and supportive environment. Our experienced coaches will guide young people through various exercises, games, and fun activities to help them develop their skills and reach their full potential. 

Homework Club at Horizon as part of THRIVE

Homework Club

This is exactly what it says on the tin! Bring in your homework, grab a quiet space to sit, and begin. We will have stationary equipment available to use, and staff on hand to offer any support.  

Knit and Sit Club at Horizon as part of THRIVE

Knit and Sit

For 5-7 and 8-11-year-olds: knitting is an excellent way to stimulate their creativity, improve their concentration and help them relax. It’s a gratifying hobby that offers endless possibilities for developing imaginative thinking. 

For 12-15-year-olds: who like to customise their own stuff, our club is perfect for you! Join us in our weekly session where you can create and design your own products with the assistance of a skilled crafts teacher. Bring your own project, get great new ideas and explore a whole new world of handmade crafts. 

Non-contact boxing class at Horizon as part of THRIVE

Non-contact Boxing Club

THRIVE Boxing Clubs use a Boxing Awards program to teach various aspects of boxing, including stance, guard, torso movement, footwork, straight punches, and self-defense. The program involves learning techniques through partner work, shadow boxing, skipping, and drills. As participants work through the awards, they progress to non-contact sparring and learn rules and general knowledge related to boxing. 

Scooter Club

These sessions are a fun and interactive way to encourage children to stay active while learning how to safely ride a scooter. There are various games and activities designed to help them understand the proper techniques and tricks of using a scooter and give them a chance to socialize with other children. All safety equipment and scooters will be supplied but we encourage children to wear their own helmets and pads to the sessions.  

The Hangout Club at Horizon as part of THRIVE

The Hangout Club

This club is designed to cater specifically to 12-16-year-olds, providing them with opportunities to participate in various activities that enable them to reach their full potential in a safe and welcoming environment. These activities include arts and crafts, computer use, pool tables, board games, and team games. Additionally, on the last Friday of every month, we will feature a local group or organization that will bring some exciting activities to us! 

Tri Golf cub at Horizon as part of THRIVE

Tri-Golf Club

Tri-golf is a fun alternative version of golf that is officially designed for children between the ages of 5 and 11. This sport is more energetic than traditional golf and is ideal for helping children take their first golf shots safely under adult supervision. Tri-golf is played using light plastic clubs and rubber balls, making it a perfect high-energy game. 

Yoga for Kids

Yoga for children can provide physical and mental benefits, such as support for sleep regulation, reduced stress and anxiety, and improved strength and flexibility. What’s not to love about yoga? A fun class for children, and you know they are gaining valuable tools to support them through childhood and beyond! 

8 Ball Pool Club at Horizon Leisure as part of THRIVE

8-Ball Pool Club

Do you like playing pool or ever thought about starting? Whether you want to work on your cue ball control or just play for fun against a friend, then this is the club for you! With two tables, all equipment supplied, why not give it a go.

Family TRIP

14+ Classes

The following classes are deemed suitable for members 14 years and older to attend accompanied by a parent or guardian. These classes will have minimal risk for the adolescent and help them maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  • RPM & Cycle when instructor-led
  • Legs, Bums & Tums
  • Dance Cardio
  • Zumba
  • Body Balance
  • Aqua & Waterworks
  • Body Attack
  • Low Impact Circuits
  • Meditation

Participants aged 14 and older may only do these classes when accompanied by their parent or guardian. They will be turned away if they are not accompanied.

THRIVE with Horizon

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Horizon Waterlooville Customer Update

The swimming pool at Horizon Waterlooville will be closed this weekend, Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th February, due to a Gala taking place.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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