Seriously Social About the Community: Tracey’s Journey with the Health Referral Scheme and Beyond

Tracey started her journey with Horizon through the Health Referral Scheme, which is in partnership with Havant Borough Council, the NHS and Macmillan Cancer Support.
“Last year, I underwent emergency spinal surgery, after being almost unable to walk for 6 months. I had put on lots of weight, and had lost a lot of fitness. Once I got the go-ahead from my NHS physio, I asked him to complete a Horizon Health Referral Form, in about Oct 23.
The physio said for 2 months I was only allowed to do water based activity, so I started very gradually walking up & down the pool. In my first meeting with Becca, she mentioned he Long Term Health Condition Swim physio at Havant Pool each Friday morning.
I started this in Nov 23, and Sue & George were amazing and so helpful. Its a great class of those pre or post op/injury, to help get you more mobile. We were a mixed bunch, those with spinal issues, hip replacements, knee replacements, shoulder injuries etc. I hated at first being overweight & in the pool, but the group was so friendly and helpful, that embarrassment soon faded away. We were all ages/shapes/sizes, but none of that mattered, and we all helped each other.
I started progressing to Aqua/Waterworks, again slowly gaining strength & mobility, whilst having fun. Whilst I wanted to swim, my technique was appalling, until I found out that Horizon were offering 6 weeks of adult group swimming lessons, which I attended in February. Again, Ryan was very helpful & knowledgeable, and I continue to improve.”
Tracey then started group exercise classes with us, taking part in our ‘This Girl Still Can’ classes, which aims to inspire women to be physically active. “On my review with Becca in January 24, I said I wanted to start doing more out of the pool, and she suggested “This Girl Can” classes with Bex, on a Tuesday morning (now “This Girl Still Can”). I was terrified when I went in, hated seeing myself sweating in the mirror, but was amazed how welcoming & friendly everyone was, & I soon made friends. Bex really didn’t mind how awful my timing & sense of direction was, it just added to the frequent laughter in the group.
Then I heard about “Flourish” a free service provided by Horizon and funded by Hampshire County Council intended to support women to achieve a healthy weight and promote self-motivation and self-confidence. Again, all very scared & in at the deep end, I started this with Georgia. We had a great group of ladies, who bonded well and all made significant steps on the journey to better health & fitness. This included a low impact circuit class, so by now, I was at Aqua twice a week, and 2 classes a week. Moreover, I was enjoying myself, which was more than I ever have in a gym.
Finally, I read about a 6 week course called “Beat It”, the aim of which being to educate people about high blood pressure, and this included 6 weeks of Tai Chi. Tai Chi is proven to reduce blood pressure. I learnt lots in the education sessions with Abi and the Tai Chi with Gareth was very interesting and calming.”
After spinal surgery and a period of inactivity, Tracey has become healthier and happier thanks to the courses and programs offered by Horizon. “I’ve reduced my weight by 20kg, back pain is greatly diminished, I attend 5 different classes most weeks, I can walk further, I’m fitter, my BP is lower and I’ve made new friends.
I’m inspired with what Horizon offer for the Community, and have recently discovered the Wellbeing Hub at the Meridian Centre in Havant, where they offer health checks & classes.”

We are Seriously Social about providing programmes that can improve the lives of our community. Our partnerships with Havant Borough Council, Hampshire County Council and the NHS means that we are delivering services that line up with National objectives and contribute to improving the health and wellbeing of our whole community. We are proud to be able to impact the lives of individuals, such as Tracey.
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