National Fitness Day 2022: Fitness Unites Us

Horizon Leisure Centres Celebrate National Fitness Day With Free Access

Horizon Leisure Centres is motivating local residents across Havant and Waterlooville with free access as part of an annual campaign to get the nation moving.

This year National Fitness Day takes place on Wednesday 21 September 2022. The aim of the campaign is to unite the nation and celebrate the power that physical activity has in bringing people together, as well as the positive impact it has on physical, mental and social well-being.

Horizon Leisure Centres will be offering a number of free gym, swim and exercise classes, alongside access for children to their Horizon Oceans of Play indoor children’s play area and a lively and fun Pre-School Bounce session for toddlers (under 4s).

What’s Included?

Free gym – (Havant and Waterlooville Leisure Centres)

Free swimming – (Havant and Waterlooville Leisure Centres)

Free Grit Cardio, Body Pump and Body Attack classes – (Waterlooville Leisure Centre)
Led by Les Mills presenter Nicola Franklin, and Jason Vail. Booking required.

Free Pre-School Bounce Class – 9.30am to 11am (Havant Leisure Centre)

Free play at Oceans of Play – Sessions at 10:00am, 12:00pm, 14:00pm, 16:00pm (Havant Leisure Centre)

How To Claim Your Free 1-Day Pass

To make the most of the opportunity for free gym, swim and group exercise classes, all attendees (members and non-members) must register for their National Fitness Day Free Pass online or in-person. Group exercise classes must be booked in advance via the Horizon app, website or at the venue. No booking required for Pre-School Bounce Class or Oceans of Play, subject to availability.

Horizon Leisure Centres Chief Executive Officer, Mike Lyons, commented: “National Fitness Day encourages all members of our community to come together and experience the benefits of leading a healthier and happier lifestyle, both physically and mentally. At Horizon Leisure Centres we’re opening our doors for free to enable members and non-members to get involved and unite around health, fitness and wellbeing.”

He added: “We’re really pleased to be a part of this campaign. Our duty as a community-focused charitable trust is to ensure we’re making a positive change in our communities, providing access to facilities, classes, programmes and activities which are enjoyed by participants of all ages and backgrounds. Our work is to help support people on their journey to more active, healthier and happier lives.”

For more information please visit our National Fitness Day page and register for your 1-day Free Pass.

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Waterlooville Pool Update

The pool space at Horizon Waterlooville will be limited during our public swimming session on Friday 14th March, from 13:00 to 15:00 due to a school gala.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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