5 Fitness Quotes to Get You Motivated

So, it’s Monday morning, you wake up at 5.30am, jump out of bed straight into your gym clothes, run out the door and skip all the way to the gym where you have a great workout burn hundreds of calories, shower, get ready and get to work all in time for 8.30am. Right? Wrong!

I’m guessing that for most of us normal human beings that sounds like something that happens in our dreams on Sunday night but when the dreaded Monday morning arrives, it is faaaar from reality! Well don’t worry, you’re not the only one!

If you’re lacking in motivation and need something to help you get into the gym and get that workout done and dusted then why not take a look at some of these inspirational, motivational quotes to help get you moving…

“How many Mondays have been and gone since you said ‘I’ll start next week’? Take action, start today.”

We’re all guilty of this aren’t we? We have a ‘bad weekend’ eating whatever we like and sitting in the garden all day (when we have the chance), or on the sofa in front of our favourite programmes promising ourselves that we will start the strict fitness regime on Monday and stick to it for at least 3 months, but it never seems to go to plan. Well why not break habit and actually ‘start Monday’ this time around? Once you take the plunge and get to the gym you will find it much easier to keep on going back and you never know, you might change that bad habit into a good one.

“You are one workout away from a good mood.”

Have you ever had one of those days where you’ve just woke up in a bad mood and nothing seems to be going your way? We’ve all been there. Instead of going home and eating a tub of ice cream in front of Eastenders, why not go to the gym? I know it sounds CRAZY but exercise is one of the best ways to let off steam and relieve stress. Put your headphones in and drown out the world while you focus on putting all of your energy into your workout – you will feel so much better afterwards!

“All great achievements require time.”

It can be so disheartening when you set a goal and try your hardest to achieve it but it just feels like you are never going to get there. Stop being so hard on yourself. Anything worth doing takes time and perseverance. Every time you go to the gym, do an exercise class, go for a swim or do any form of exercise it is another step towards your end goal, don’t give up, keep striving and you WILL get there in the end! You will thank yourself in the future.

“The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.”

So it’s Wednesday evening again and you just can’t stop thinking about how slow the week is going and how far away the weekend still feels. You know you should go to the gym like you promised yourself you would this morning, but you’ve had a stressful day and you just can’t be bothered now. This is the perfect time to get to the gym and make yourself proud. Even if you don’t get as much done as you normally would, you still went, you kept the promise that you made to yourself and you worked out! Go you!!!

“Don’t limit your challenges, challenge your limits.”

What so many people lack is self-belief, we all seem to have a fear of pushing ourselves and finding out what we are truly capable of just in case we fail. Exercise can help you to build on your self-confidence and achieve things that you never thought were possible. Do something today that your future self will thank you for, test your limits and you might just surprise yourself.

So, if these quotes have inspired you to get out and get in the gym why not pop into Horizon and let the gym staff help you start your fitness journey today? There really is nothing holding you back!

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